Hot. Again. Maybe triple digits, the record is 102. No thunderstorms in the metro. A bit cooler north toward the Wyo border. Somewhat cooler tomorrow, like low 90s is cool. Slight chance of t-storms Saturday along the front range but not a rock and roll day. Same Sunday, little hotter. Monday same, still a little chance of bumpers. Cooler, more seasonal Tuesday with a bit better chance for bumpers. Again Wednesday. Today it looks like the Dakotas will get the snot beat out of them, and tropical storm Fay is off the Virginia coast moving north, so rain and t-storms from Baltimore north through the day, heavy stuff NY north. Tropical storm Christina is south of Baja, should make landfall south of Mexico in a day or two, might ease into the first Hurricane of the season crossing into the Caribbean.
Governor Polis said, “Just wear a damn mask!” He says we had 50-100k Typhoid Marys out of Florida and Texas here over the 4th. I like the guy, but masks should be mandatory as every health advisory group is saying. Meanwhile, the Idiocracy down in Douglas County voted to leave Tri-County Health because they’re being too strident about this silly pandemic, so that bunch’ll be doing their best to spread it around.