Weather nada, news, well, the toilet continues flushing

Again, and for the foreseeable future. Today not quite as hot, but still hot, tomorrow maybe shoot for the record which is 102. Bumpers east of Sterling-Limon line, might get a severe out there.  Maybe next Tuesday we might get storms in the metro.

Times today, looks like SCOTUS ordered Orange Littlefingers financial records opened to NY prosecutors, but not to be released publicly until after the election. Still threatening to cut funding to schools that don’t open on time, get those kids into the showers. Post-election, if he’s in place, he’ll have consolidated power enough he won’t have to worry about laws broken in his financial records. We’ll be occupied with sick and dying kids.  Hmm, even with all that snow early last winter, draught is still in place. Southern Colorado, northern and eastern NM, northern AZ and Utah are all in extreme draught conditions. We didn’t get spring snow, and our snow melt happened quick. Hydrologists are starting to rattle the word “Megadraught” around, not sure I want to know what that is. Next story , an independent audit says Facebook is still pushing back against basic civil rights.  Hmm, we’re out of PPE again, all the hospitals filling across the south.  Churches reopened, letting god feed the ICUs across the Bible Belt.  Those “essential” Oil pipelines shutting down, and oh yeah. The Army Colonel that testified in the impeachment hearings? He’s being forced to retire.  White House had him investigated to find evidence of misconduct, which they couldn’t find. An honorable man did what his oath required, and he’s paying the price in this version of America. United plans to furlough 36k people as soon as the freeze from all that tax money they took to buy back stock ends. Guessing the bonuses at the top would exceed our puny imaginations. Puerto Rico, dang. The forth horseman has ridden in with the pandemic, draught, starvation, and Trump on the lifeguard stand little fingers flying on the Twit account.  Harvard and MIT are suing to stop the Trump Visa rules. China’s choking down on Hong Kong, Trump watching with some envy. Mexico’s president is in DC performing some manner of fellatio.