Weather, just read any of the last week. Again, with a little less moisture, so maybe some isolated to scattered thunderstorms in the afternoon. Wind shouldn’t be as bad. Drying, hot this week, Thursday just a little itty-bitty bit cooler then back in the oven on Friday.
Scanning the paper, news looks like yesterday too. America’s strange brand of stupidity has reached pandemic levels in the pandemic. Genetic? Possibly, fluoridated water maybe? About half dozen mass shootings last couple days, it doesn’t even make headlines anymore. Couple billionaires are talking about running trains through the Royal Gorge again, Tennessee Pass on up to Dotsero. Freight and passenger, would love to take that. Colorado has a lot of old rail lines rusting away, as late as the 60s you could catch a train in the southern San Luis Valley and ride into Denver. Littwin says Polis should mandate mask usage, I agree.